
Top Surgery

Gender affirmation surgery, also known as gender confirmation surgery or sex reassignment surgery, is a significant step in the journey toward transitioning genders for individuals who identify as transgender or non-binary patients. This complex surgical procedure encompasses a range of operations designed to align an individual’s physical appearance with their unique gender identity.

Aesthera Plastic Surgery offers comprehensive and personalized solutions for individuals seeking this life-affirming procedure. With expert surgeon Dr. CV Chegireddy, Aesthera Plastic Surgery aims to empower individuals by allowing them to express themselves authentically through tailored gender affirmation surgeries.

Aesthera’s Gender Affirmation Surgery

This complex and highly personalized procedure aims to provide patients with a body that is more harmonious with their true selves. Aesthera Plastic Surgery recognizes the importance and sensitivity surrounding gender affirmation surgery. We strive to create a safe and supportive environment where patients can openly discuss their desires and concerns before embarking on this life-affirming journey. Aesthera Plastic Surgery aims to help individuals achieve the physical changes they desire to feel comfortable in their bodies.

The Different Types of Gender Affirmation Surgeries

Gender affirmation surgery usually involves procedures that make an individual more masculine or feminine.

Facial feminization is a popular gender affirmation surgery a procedure that alters the characteristics of one’s face to create a more feminine appearance. This includes techniques such as brow and forehead contouring, a nose job, adding volume to the cheeks, lip plumping or reshaping, and jawline contouring. Facial feminization is often performed on transgender women who desire to align their external features with their gender identity.

“Top” surgery may achieve an individual’s desire of being more masculinizing, feminizing or non-binary based on their prefrences. Transmasculine (Female to Male) top surgery or gender-affirming mastectomy involves removing breast tissue and reshaping the chest to create a more masculine or non-binary appearance. For Transfeminine (Male to Female) top surgery involves enhacing the size and shape of the breasts to create a more feminine appearance of the chest. Top surgery is performed as a single stage procedure and patient’s are discharged home on the same day.

“Bottom” surgery, or genital reconstruction, could involve vaginoplasty to create female genitalia for transgender women, while for transgender men, it may involve phalloplasty to construct a penis.

Preparing for Gender Affirmation Surgery: Consultation and Evaluation

Our experienced plastic surgeon will carefully listen to your goals, concerns, and expectations during the initial consultation. Dr. CV Chegireddywill explain the various surgical options, discussing potential risks and complications.

Following the consultation, an evaluation will determine if you are physically and mentally prepared for gender affirmation surgery. This may involve medical tests such as blood work or imaging scans to assess your current health status. Additionally, a psychological evaluation may be performed to ensure that you clearly understand the implications involved in undergoing this surgical journey.

It is crucial to provide comprehensive information during this phase so that our team can tailor their approach to your particular needs while prioritizing your safety throughout every process. We follow the guidelines from the World Professional Assiociation of Transgender Health (WPATH) and ensure you are prepared prior to surgery.

Cost of Gender Affirmation Surgery

The price of gender-affirming surgery can vary depending on the specific procedures performed, the surgeon, and other necessary care. Health insurance coverage may be available for gender affirmation surgery if it is deemed medically necessary by a healthcare provider and covered by an individual’s health plan. However, each insurance plan has criteria for determining medical necessity and coverage eligibility.

Patients should check with their insurance providers to decide whether or not they qualify for coverage. We will work with you to obtain authorization from your insurer, which might require a letter from our plastic surgeon and submission of photographs. Schedule a consultation with an Aesthera Plastic Surgeon for a personalized quote on a gender affirmation procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions about Gender Affirmation Surgery

Eligibility for gender affirmation surgery varies depending on the individual and the requirements of the healthcare provider. Generally, individuals diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a mental health professional who has undergone hormone therapy may be considered candidates for these surgeries. It is essential to consult with qualified surgeons and mental health professionals to determine eligibility and seek appropriate guidance.

Like any surgical procedure, there are potential risks involved in gender affirmation surgeries, including infection, bleeding, wound complications, anesthesia risks, scar formation, and loss of sensation or function in certain areas. However, these risks can be minimized through careful pre-operative evaluations and post-operative care experienced surgeons provide.

Many gender affirmation surgeries are irreversible or challenging to reverse due to the complexity of the procedures. Individuals must receive proper counseling and guidance before making decisions about surgery.

Gender affirmation surgery is just one aspect of gender transition. Other essential components can include social transition (e.g., name and pronoun changes), hormone therapy, counseling or therapy support, and support from friends, family, and the community.

Most patients are able to continue taking there hormones for gender-affirmation surgery. It is important to discuss your individual hormone medications with the plastic surgeon during your consultation. We will review the risks and benefits of hormones while undergoing surgery during the consultation.

Most commonly after gender-affirming mastectomy surgery the sensation to the nipple is lost due to the cut nerve endings providing sensation. Dr. CV Chegireddy is able to reinnervate the nipple by connecting the cut nerve endings though a novel technique. This technique offers a trendemdous improvement in quality of life by preserving nipple sensation after gender-affirming mastectomy surgery. During your consultation Dr. CV Chegireddy will reviewr the importance of nipple sensation and whether you are a candidate for this novel technique.

People who undergo gender-affirmation surgery should see an improvement in pain in 1-2 weeks. After 8 weeks, they will be able to resume normal activities.

For top masculinzation surgery the incision can be around the nipple (periareolar) or double-incision across the chest. The incision choice will depend on the amount of breast tissue, skin quality and patient’s goals. For transfeminine top surgery the inicision is usually very small in the breast crease to place an implant.

A gender-affirmation procedure can include several surgeries depending on the desired outcome of the patient. Aesthera Plastic Surgery offers top surgery, top surgery with body contouring, top surgery with liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tucks, and fat transfer in combination with breast augmentation and Brazilian Butt Lifts.

Experience Aesthera

Take control of your future by taking this significant step towards transitioning genders through our expert care at Aesthera Plastic Surgery. We’re dedicated to providing compassionate support, personalized solutions, and exceptional care throughout your gender affirmation surgery journey. Schedule an appointment with us today so that we can guide you through each phase of this complex surgical procedure designed to align your physical appearance with your authentic self.

Experience Aesthera

Take control of your future by taking this significant step towards transitioning genders through our expert care at Aesthera Plastic Surgery. We’re dedicated to providing compassionate support, personalized solutions, and exceptional care throughout your gender affirmation surgery journey. Schedule an appointment with us today so that we can guide you through each phase of this complex surgical procedure designed to align your physical appearance with your authentic self.